Saturday, May 26, 2007

bumming advice (or ciggies)

I know, I know, I have yet to post on New York. I've just been busy. I'll get to it. I went to get coffee from Coffee to the People this morning because the pot that I made tasted like a sailors boot, but before I walked in a homeless "friend" said to me that today was, "Another wonderful day, another wonderful day." Perhaps he was crazy, who knows. But that really doesn't matter. I think what he said is more important.

As you know I'm no stranger to the negative side of things (I'm getting a lot better), so hearing things like that often stick with me. I've been complaining since 3:30 this morning when the thoughtless losers upstairs begain blasting music. I've already complained about my first pot of coffee and I managed to become insanely annoyed by myspace (I don't even know why I deal with that thing when all it does is piss me off). So all that to say this, on that quiet corner of Haight and Masonic it was nice to hear that homeless man say something positive. It is another wonderful day. I watched a guy get hit by a car in that same intersection two days ago, so I should start appreciating each moment a little more. I'm going to start by saying how yummy my Coffee to the People light roast is tasting, right this second.

Monday, May 21, 2007

travel legs (and arms and hips and toes)

I'm in Phoenix. I just wolfed down some greasy Mexican and I board my flight for SFO shortly. But imgaine the look on my face as I sat here, logged on to the lappy, checked email, proceeded to go to dlisted and a sign comes up saying: RESTRICTED AT THIS TIME--ADULT CONTENT. How funny is that? MK produces adult content. I should tell him.

I can't read the site, but that in itself is funny. Ok I board in about 5 minutes and the people are looking at me strangely because I'm laughing. Damn, if Dlisted does nothing, it keeps me cheerful.

I'm obsessed.

*Can't wait to tell you about the trip. Won't happen until tomorrow!
**Oh I had the most Manhattan lunch of them all today. I'm such a sassafrass (you will hear about this too)
***I don't know if I'll be a San Franciscian nome for much longer
****I'm giving to much info...I'll stop now

Sunday, May 20, 2007

dlisted quote of the day (a few days later)

My God, even 3k miles away from California I can't stay away from Dlisted. I'm sitting at a 'bucky's on 5th Avenue. But who cares. Read the prophetic words of mk.

(About Britney's weave)

"Does 7-Eleven have a salon I don't know about?! Who the hell puts that girl together in the scalp department. That thing looks like it's put together with saliva and rubber bands."

-Michael K.

ROFLMAO! The people of NY must think I'm nuts.

Monday, May 14, 2007

dlisted quote of the day

"I don't understand why these chicks including Xtina love to look like slutty carrots."

--Michael K.

Who knew carrots could be sluts? I love it. The thought of a vegetable being a whore just kills me. Oh god...imagine it slutty broccoli? hahaha

Sunday, May 13, 2007

east end boys/west end girls

Amidst all of the insane excietment, I'm feeling a bit of angst over my trip to New York.

-I fear that I will not be stylish enough
-I won't have e-mail access for five (jesus), five days

Let us first address this whole issue of style. I visited the Sartoralist a few moments ago only to virtually relive the excitement that is Manhattan style. I've been stressing for about two weeks as to what I will wear. I have a giant fear of looking very L.A. Granted I haven't lived in Southern California for a few years now, so I've managed to sloth off the burning desire to parade around town in Juicy track suits, short skirts, all things hot pink, and flip flops at all hours of the day. But sometimes my SoCal casual cool will make an occassional appearance. I also fear seeing too "San Francisco"--we've discussed women and fashion in this city. Then I hope to not look too "touristy." I hate those types. Where you can tell someone pulled out all of their bests for the trip. They, in turn, end up looking insanly put together and the whole look falls apart. I'm sure I'll be fine. I bought a new pair of flats for walking. They are red! I love red shoes. I hope the NY sidewalk feels the same way.

Second point of contention--no emailing. Perhaps I am on my way to becoming a technology obsessed New Yorker. I've become a slave to e-mail and as soon as I score myself a new job, I'll be ditching my RAZAR phone for some obnoxious handheld internet device. I've been sending over 20 emails a day and receiving about the same number. I think this is bad as I've always claimed to enjoy speaking with people in real time. Whatever the case, I'm a little concerned that I'm so worried about not being able to read my email until Sunday when I see Noah. I'm going to stop typing about it, it's giving me chest pains. I never know who could be could be the Pope Eggs Benedict for all I know! I think I'll be fine...I hope I'll be ok. Laura, what do you think?

So back to the excitement part--I really don't know where to begin. One more worry and this is a big one...I fear that I won't want to return.

*btw banker and i are totally dunzo! over. that's it. no more marina man. blah. this my friends, is why we never give the puppy a name. i didn't allow you to get to close to him. perhaps deep down i know it was never going anywhere but down in flames with the rest of the marina? hee hee

Monday, May 07, 2007

boring. don't read this post.

I'm finding it rather interesting that in my jobless state, I am the most busy I have ever been. I can imagine that all of you want to pull me by my pony and slap me in the mouth for saying this again. Yeah, I'm tired of typing it. But I'm really just trying to make a point here. I'm trying to create some lame excuse as to why I have been a bad blogger.

In college I used to send these emails to my professors saying how my paper would be two hours late and I'd sign it, "I'm so sorry, your very bad student, Candace." They loved it and to this day get a kick of it. They excused my bad behavior and that could be why I'm so naughty with my blog these days. ENOUGH. Let's talk updates people....

Guess who's back on? Yes, uh huh. Le Banker. So nice to feel that sense of security again. I missed him. I was a bitch (shut your mouth) and Amanda even told me what I did wrong. She was right. There was a reason why he wasn't talking and it had a lot to do with some hot mess that was getting in the way.

In other news, I'm off to New York next with my favorite hot couple of the day, Laura and David. Sadly, however Oscar aka Mr. Blackpants will not be joining. He doesn't like New York. He's more of an East Bay type guy. I owe you input from the Academy of Art Fashion Show. When Kim sends photos, I will talk. I have a great topic to touch on. So stay tuned.