It's an odd Sunday. I have undoubtly spent my Sunday engaging in what some might label as odd behavior. It is now 2:10pm and I am still in my pajamas. I have cleaned my bathroom, washed every (all 4) dish in the sink, polished my bedroom floor, dusted the entire apartment, swept the hallway and living room and tended to went laundry. I have also successfully read half of the May issue of Vogue, drank two cups of coffee, arranged my underwear drawer (by color and style), and posted one complete (and fairly lenghty) blog entry. I attribute all of my cleaning and organization (there is always more to be done) to my wanting to feel in control. I believe I've touched on this issue in the past. By cleaning, arranging, colorizing, organizing and completing things I feel in control.
I spent the first two hours of the morning looking out of the bay window in the living room (with my coffee & Vogue) and listening to Edith Piaf on le pod. During those moments when I wasn't sipping or reading I was romanticizing thoughts of living somewhere else or just being somewhere else at that moment. I've been doing that a lot lately. Perhaps it's because I have no job so I'm left with a lot of time to entertain potentially lethal thoughts. This is probaby indicative of some sort of change heading my way. A lot of people told me not to expect some great moment where everything comes to me. I consider myself a realist for the most part and I'm not one to wait for "the next big thing." But I guess I can argue that something feels different here. And I think some big thought is brewing in my brain (I just don't know what it is yet). I only wonder when this does happen will I have to tear down my apartment building then rebuild it in order to gain control of all the change?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
affecting the effect of conversation
Anyone can tell you what interesting thing happened to them last Tuesday, they can tell you what they ate for lunch two hours ago, they can tell you why they chose to wear a purple hat with a large brown plume that tilts to the left, or they can tell you all about how they ended up in this very spot talking to you. However, there is a skill that one must possess when telling these little diddies. I prefer to think of it as an art. It's known as the art of story-telling (with which I'm sure you are familiar). And in this latest phase of my "oh so fabulous" (HA) life, I learn that fewer and fewer people are skilled story-tellers.
I guess after spending the second half of my university (sounds more fancy than college) career in workshops critiquing, analyzing, admiring, sneering, and scoffing at other people's work I developed a true disdain for the unnecessary. I, in fact, became rather candid about my dislike for unnecessary information during these workshops. It's something that I religiously tried to keep from doing in my own work. While I do believe that back story has relevance and is often needed to understand the tale ahead, I do not need to know every single detail.
Hmmm detail. It's important to pepper a a tale with detail, but there is a limit, I believe. I've encountered a number of stories as of late--most presumably a result of people being in their twenties and wanting to do nothing other than talk of themselves (is this not the narcissistic nature of my blog as well? yeeeeesss). These gruesome moments have unfortunately required my ears to become exposed to every nuance of their life. I'm forced to know why they think this or that about global warming, why they have or have not reacted to an odd phone call from last night, how long they have known about the mold growing in their bathtub, the t-shirt they were wearing when they began the sixth grade, what their dentist smells like...I'm beginning to exaggerated but I'm finding that people are so fixated on filling me in that the initial thought becomes lost (both by me--because I stop listening and by them). They have veered so far from their point that I don't care anymore and often become frustrated with them and their happening.
I'm pretty much saying discretion should be used more often. Invidiuals should really select their topics with choice. And any skilled linguist knows you can certainly veer off topic, but be smart about it, know how to jump but be able to keep your
audience engaged or know how to bring them right back to your original thought. It's really a skill. I have a habit of jumping off topic (just read this blog), but I think with each entry I'm learning how to keep your interest and not bore you with insignificant detail. It goes without saying (or not)I'm not interested in why you are crying about the cost of sprouted wheat bread when we're talking about why you haven't called your best friend in over thirty days.
I guess after spending the second half of my university (sounds more fancy than college) career in workshops critiquing, analyzing, admiring, sneering, and scoffing at other people's work I developed a true disdain for the unnecessary. I, in fact, became rather candid about my dislike for unnecessary information during these workshops. It's something that I religiously tried to keep from doing in my own work. While I do believe that back story has relevance and is often needed to understand the tale ahead, I do not need to know every single detail.
Hmmm detail. It's important to pepper a a tale with detail, but there is a limit, I believe. I've encountered a number of stories as of late--most presumably a result of people being in their twenties and wanting to do nothing other than talk of themselves (is this not the narcissistic nature of my blog as well? yeeeeesss). These gruesome moments have unfortunately required my ears to become exposed to every nuance of their life. I'm forced to know why they think this or that about global warming, why they have or have not reacted to an odd phone call from last night, how long they have known about the mold growing in their bathtub, the t-shirt they were wearing when they began the sixth grade, what their dentist smells like...I'm beginning to exaggerated but I'm finding that people are so fixated on filling me in that the initial thought becomes lost (both by me--because I stop listening and by them). They have veered so far from their point that I don't care anymore and often become frustrated with them and their happening.
I'm pretty much saying discretion should be used more often. Invidiuals should really select their topics with choice. And any skilled linguist knows you can certainly veer off topic, but be smart about it, know how to jump but be able to keep your
audience engaged or know how to bring them right back to your original thought. It's really a skill. I have a habit of jumping off topic (just read this blog), but I think with each entry I'm learning how to keep your interest and not bore you with insignificant detail. It goes without saying (or not)I'm not interested in why you are crying about the cost of sprouted wheat bread when we're talking about why you haven't called your best friend in over thirty days.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
dlisted quote of the day
As always, I must give you the goodness that is dlisted:
"They don't make hairless Italians, so he must've shaved that shit off. He totally has chicken chest, but I'd still get down with that."
-Michael K.
Chicken Chest? How perfect is that. Listen for it, because I'll be using it.
Thanks MK
"They don't make hairless Italians, so he must've shaved that shit off. He totally has chicken chest, but I'd still get down with that."
-Michael K.
Chicken Chest? How perfect is that. Listen for it, because I'll be using it.
Thanks MK
Friday, April 27, 2007
BUI (blogging under the influence)
I never blog after I'm fresh off of an evening of drinking. Things change, right? Well I had an eventful evening --so far i've made abou 10 mistakes, but managed to correct them all0--drunk blogging is not good.
I'm a little annoyed with our beloved Hottender...oh that reoccuring character (who has , I'm sure, somehow found a ink to my blog and now knows what i say and this could be the reasion for the demise of our date number two...whateves). He has successfully frustrated me as usual. This is no secret. I will have to touch on it tomorrow. I'm too sleepy. But you will all be glad to know that I have bangs again! yay.
Happy Friday
I'm a little annoyed with our beloved Hottender...oh that reoccuring character (who has , I'm sure, somehow found a ink to my blog and now knows what i say and this could be the reasion for the demise of our date number two...whateves). He has successfully frustrated me as usual. This is no secret. I will have to touch on it tomorrow. I'm too sleepy. But you will all be glad to know that I have bangs again! yay.
Happy Friday
Thursday, April 26, 2007
men in tights? of course not
Men in San Francisco are much more stylish than the women.
It's not rocket science to peg the most stylish cities around the globe. Paris, New York (I'm going next month), London, Milan, and others, I'm sure.
*I don't include L.A., because L.A. is not stylish in my opinion. While I have an affection for it the style, or lack thereof, is repulsive. The essence of being stylish hails from individualism (something this city does NOT promote. And though I do like the Angelenos have no fear of color the "style" seems very trite and insignificant in the grand scheme of fashion because it seems so...(I cannot find the word)orrather it's trying waaaay too hard and in the end looks sloppy. Enough of my tyraid.
Back on topic. San Franciso has it's own style, electic. However, many of the men who parade the city Timbuk2 bags slung across their bodies are very stylish and do a great job of conveying that via their wardrobe. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the men in this city wear clothes, and wear them well. They are selective, use great color combinations, and pick out things that fit nicely. Perhaps this is a result of so many creative-types (very attractive) running amuck throughout this 7 mile space. However, even those guys who ride bikes (oh and btw: there are some people men that are doing a bit too much or too little, I'm in the general, y'all) can pull of a nice look with nicely color denim, chic city sneakers, and hoodies w/ bright t-shirts underneath (so Hottender). The men of the financial district (whom I have a serious affection for, if young, dark haired and hot--not plump and oldy olsen) look stunning in their cheery colored button downs or yellow accents, navy suits and freshly polished shoes. I love the "guy on the bus" who dons the well pressed navy pants with brown shoes who simply reads the Times and listens to his 'pod or the guy who is a bit more causal, but really owning his look, no doubt.
Ahh but the ladies--another story, which I will not get into. I'm just going to leave you with the lovely thoughts of the "More Stylish than they know it," men of San Francisco.
*I'm attending a fashion show tomorrow (Zac Posen will be there) and I bet the boys will be in better attire. I'll report on Saturday.
It's not rocket science to peg the most stylish cities around the globe. Paris, New York (I'm going next month), London, Milan, and others, I'm sure.
*I don't include L.A., because L.A. is not stylish in my opinion. While I have an affection for it the style, or lack thereof, is repulsive. The essence of being stylish hails from individualism (something this city does NOT promote. And though I do like the Angelenos have no fear of color the "style" seems very trite and insignificant in the grand scheme of fashion because it seems so...(I cannot find the word)orrather it's trying waaaay too hard and in the end looks sloppy. Enough of my tyraid.
Back on topic. San Franciso has it's own style, electic. However, many of the men who parade the city Timbuk2 bags slung across their bodies are very stylish and do a great job of conveying that via their wardrobe. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the men in this city wear clothes, and wear them well. They are selective, use great color combinations, and pick out things that fit nicely. Perhaps this is a result of so many creative-types (very attractive) running amuck throughout this 7 mile space. However, even those guys who ride bikes (oh and btw: there are some people men that are doing a bit too much or too little, I'm in the general, y'all) can pull of a nice look with nicely color denim, chic city sneakers, and hoodies w/ bright t-shirts underneath (so Hottender). The men of the financial district (whom I have a serious affection for, if young, dark haired and hot--not plump and oldy olsen) look stunning in their cheery colored button downs or yellow accents, navy suits and freshly polished shoes. I love the "guy on the bus" who dons the well pressed navy pants with brown shoes who simply reads the Times and listens to his 'pod or the guy who is a bit more causal, but really owning his look, no doubt.
Ahh but the ladies--another story, which I will not get into. I'm just going to leave you with the lovely thoughts of the "More Stylish than they know it," men of San Francisco.
*I'm attending a fashion show tomorrow (Zac Posen will be there) and I bet the boys will be in better attire. I'll report on Saturday.
fabulous/jobless (one in the same)
I must preface this entry by saying I have blogged...well I have about 7 drafts waiting to be completed. Thus I have not completely abandonded the world of chuntress.blogspot.
I believe that despite the fact that I'm jobless, per se, I've never been more social, more busy, and more excited about everything (except boys). I have successfully completed week 2 of joblessness and to be quite honest it's been so englightening. I'm starting to think more about my future, I've become more atuned to detail, I'm asking myself real questions about my life, and I'm meeting tons of new people. Last week was a whirlwinde of meetings. Not sure if you're aware, but I've taken on the exciting position of Campaign Manager for my friend. At 23, she has been nominated for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's 2007 Woman of the Year event (seriously, I think I type that phrase 43 times a day, yes, 43). I'm deep into it and working hard at helping her win, raise money, and pull off one of the most exciting nights San Francisco has to offer (tickets $50 see me if you want one and I know you do because you love card games and free booze).
Do you like my mixed in advertising? NO? shame on you!
So that's what is going on with me. Oh wait the banker has not called since 4/10 and I'm almost over it. Ego bruised, nonetheless. I met with this amazing pr woman last week, I met with an equally amazing creator of this high-end baby product (noodle & boo...go get it). For someone without a job I'm busy. I like this. I really do think that letting go of what felt secure was the best decision I've made all year! Join me in my celebration and let's get back to some real blogging--no more of this pumping myself up to be the HSL of the day.
I believe that despite the fact that I'm jobless, per se, I've never been more social, more busy, and more excited about everything (except boys). I have successfully completed week 2 of joblessness and to be quite honest it's been so englightening. I'm starting to think more about my future, I've become more atuned to detail, I'm asking myself real questions about my life, and I'm meeting tons of new people. Last week was a whirlwinde of meetings. Not sure if you're aware, but I've taken on the exciting position of Campaign Manager for my friend. At 23, she has been nominated for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's 2007 Woman of the Year event (seriously, I think I type that phrase 43 times a day, yes, 43). I'm deep into it and working hard at helping her win, raise money, and pull off one of the most exciting nights San Francisco has to offer (tickets $50 see me if you want one and I know you do because you love card games and free booze).
Do you like my mixed in advertising? NO? shame on you!
So that's what is going on with me. Oh wait the banker has not called since 4/10 and I'm almost over it. Ego bruised, nonetheless. I met with this amazing pr woman last week, I met with an equally amazing creator of this high-end baby product (noodle & boo...go get it). For someone without a job I'm busy. I like this. I really do think that letting go of what felt secure was the best decision I've made all year! Join me in my celebration and let's get back to some real blogging--no more of this pumping myself up to be the HSL of the day.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
hump day updates...
-I haven't read about "canoodling" today (it is only 9:32am)
-The Banker called (I didn't answer). We will schedule some hang out time for next week. As I guessed he's on a business trip.
-I'm still don't have a new job lined up
-I'm due to receive about 5 boxes of product within the next week
-Tuesday will be my spa day
-Ralph might be visiting this weekend
Nothing too exciting to report. I just want to keep this blogging thing going. I'm sure I'll be back later this afternoon with fun things to say.
-The Banker called (I didn't answer). We will schedule some hang out time for next week. As I guessed he's on a business trip.
-I'm still don't have a new job lined up
-I'm due to receive about 5 boxes of product within the next week
-Tuesday will be my spa day
-Ralph might be visiting this weekend
Nothing too exciting to report. I just want to keep this blogging thing going. I'm sure I'll be back later this afternoon with fun things to say.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
worthy investment (banker)...
I'm on a roll. And this could be in conjunction with the fact that I will (as of Friday) be unemployed and I have to do something to pass the time. So blog number three today. It's all about a new "character." His name, "the Banker*." He's new on the scene. Actually that's a lie (I'm good at telling those). I met him back in February during a night of self-procured cocktails (red bull vodka)...ouch.
So we've had four date nights. Some friends have been candid about letting me know that the Banker and I are "dating." I say we've been on dates. This is not to say that I am opposed to dating, I just don't think we are officially dating yet because we haven't done either of the following:
a) had a Friday or Saturday night sleepover which turns into Saturday or Sunday morning paper/Vogue/coffee outing
b) run an errand together, i.e. grocery shop together, car wash, pick-up dry cleaning
Basically when we get coffee together we're an item. HA! I should be careful about what I say in the event that he either, someday reads this (because we fall madly in love and I divulge my guilty passion for blogging) or does a background search and finds that I have a meaningless blog that entertains those who don't talk to me about my life's craziness everyday.
So all that to say this...he seems interested...very interested. And I'm really beginning to take to it. I called him last night...HE HAS YET TO RETURN MY CALL. I fear the usual, he's lost interest (or he's on a business trip).
*I'm obsessed with the fact that he's an investment banker as I've been dying to date one since I was 18.
So we've had four date nights. Some friends have been candid about letting me know that the Banker and I are "dating." I say we've been on dates. This is not to say that I am opposed to dating, I just don't think we are officially dating yet because we haven't done either of the following:
a) had a Friday or Saturday night sleepover which turns into Saturday or Sunday morning paper/Vogue/coffee outing
b) run an errand together, i.e. grocery shop together, car wash, pick-up dry cleaning
Basically when we get coffee together we're an item. HA! I should be careful about what I say in the event that he either, someday reads this (because we fall madly in love and I divulge my guilty passion for blogging) or does a background search and finds that I have a meaningless blog that entertains those who don't talk to me about my life's craziness everyday.
So all that to say this...he seems interested...very interested. And I'm really beginning to take to it. I called him last night...HE HAS YET TO RETURN MY CALL. I fear the usual, he's lost interest (or he's on a business trip).
*I'm obsessed with the fact that he's an investment banker as I've been dying to date one since I was 18.
c'mon, crack me a smile

I cannot believe I have gone this long without talking about that fateful night...the night when I saw Mickey Avalon in le flesh. God, save me.
Now I knew seeing Mickey would be great. I knew I loved Mickey. But I had no idea that his naked crack would make me so excited! Crass? Yes, but oh so true.
As Mickey paraded onto the stage at Mezzanine--which is one of the skaniest places in SF--he donned his signature skinny jeans & studded belt. Because it was a chilly evening in the city he was complete with a mesh tank top (blech), a leather jacket (very similar to the one I own), and a maroon beanie to cover his luxurious curly's. I was taken aback by his nasal voice, his cockiness and the way he moved his little body. Mickey is somewhat femmie, which i guess is to be expected considering he spent some time as a male prostitute. I'm usually not a girl who's into femmie guys, but this one sends me over the top.
As the show began he sashayed across the stage, strategically removing articles of clothing until he was down to his jeans and black Converse. This kid is appropriately
tattooed and doesn't wear any panties (my favorite). As he poured water on the top of his head and let it trickle down it was apparent that he was drunk (and blown out of his mind I'm sure. I had hoped to get much closer to the stage, but unfortunately the rude concert-goers were shoving, pushing, and the like--certainly not a safe place for a lady!
It goes without saying that I feel deeper in love with Mickey after seeing
him, and his butt, in the flesh. I still stand by my claim that he looks like an old Jewish lady, but there's something about his confidence and his crass behavior that makes him obnoxiously desirable. His eyeliner was thick and his sweat was dripping. Typically I'd say "ew" to a man who pulled this garbage, but he began singing So Rich, So Pretty...sigh and I knew I could never go back. Back to those days before Mickey Avalon. I'd totally hit that! 'ya just a boy Mickey, ya just a toy Mickey..
Ok it's no secret that I am an avid reading of some p.o.s blog called, dlisted. Puh-lease who am I kidding, dlisted is number one of my list! That said Michael K. is always so good about posting celeb happenings, more specifically their love lives. Whenever I read a post about a new couple I get grossed out and annoyed. Why do I continue to read that which makes me sick? Because a "source" always describes a new couple as "canoodling."
WTF? What is a "canoodle?" It makes me think of Annie's Bunny Pasta. The Chedder flavor. Yum. But really how many times have a read, "a source says the two were seen 'canoodling' at the club. They were holding hands, locking lips, and everything. They certainly weren't shy about whatever is going on between them." WHAT? Canoodle...chickencanoodle soup...canoodles with red sauce. I think I hate, no, I know I hate this word. If I'm not thinking of dish of carbs and simple sugar, I imagine two idiots in the back of some club rubbing noses. EW.
Do you have any thoughts on the "canoodle?" It's making me sick. I'm going to play a game for the remainder of the week and count how many times I see a gossip post which uses the forbidden word...gasp!
WTF? What is a "canoodle?" It makes me think of Annie's Bunny Pasta. The Chedder flavor. Yum. But really how many times have a read, "a source says the two were seen 'canoodling' at the club. They were holding hands, locking lips, and everything. They certainly weren't shy about whatever is going on between them." WHAT? Canoodle...chickencanoodle soup...canoodles with red sauce. I think I hate, no, I know I hate this word. If I'm not thinking of dish of carbs and simple sugar, I imagine two idiots in the back of some club rubbing noses. EW.
Do you have any thoughts on the "canoodle?" It's making me sick. I'm going to play a game for the remainder of the week and count how many times I see a gossip post which uses the forbidden word...gasp!
funny funny,
gossip blogs,
Monday, April 09, 2007
dlisted quote of the day
In it's most pure form...
"...Damn. Alright then. I wish I had 10 bathrooms. More bathrooms equals more toilets equals moore pooping. Pooping is fun. What am I, 8? Don't answer that. "
*Amanda gets it.
"...Damn. Alright then. I wish I had 10 bathrooms. More bathrooms equals more toilets equals moore pooping. Pooping is fun. What am I, 8? Don't answer that. "
*Amanda gets it.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
birthday backwash
As I made clear in Sunday's post, yesterday was my 24th birthday. I'm sure it goes without saying that I was excited for the annual event (kind of like a good sale). However the turned out to be less than exciting--it gave me some of the worst anxiety ever. I will say this while, I continued to describe my celebration day as "the worst day ever," that isn't true. I hit a major bump which really put a damper on my day. I think I will remember my 24th birthday as one of the most "emotional days of my life." I cried alllllll day. It's not fair for me to call it "the worst" because so many people did such nice thing for me. Let's reflect on it:
*large bouquet of sunflowers from Wendy Lohan & Jen (coworkers/friends)
*adorable and sweet card from "Blaura," David & Oscar
*ice cream party at work, complete with a very "Glamour Girl" b-day card
*email from Amanda aka Ray Wonder & W
*cupcake and sweet card from Kate (my current housemate)
*birthday story from Mommy (she tells it every year)
*calls from Aunt Lisa, Aunt Becky, Nanny (grandmother), Joseph (my brother), my Dad, Paul Batista, Christina, Melissa, Yuki, Vanessa, Chris
*and I saw Mickey Avalon on Friday with Shena
So amisdt what seemed like complete mayhem, I was still treated like a true queen (not a bitchy homo queen or a drag queen, but a queen with a crown and servants)! I actually believe that the day's trouble somehow managed to make everything stand out so much more. And that's good. Welcome 24 with new wisedom and a greater appreciation for the little things (they really do go far). I think yesterday's treats also helped me to realize how many good people I have in my life...and I must be honest, I often forget.
p.s. I have a dinner date tomorrow and I will be back in full regalia to report on that. I'm going out with le banker (you should know about him).
*large bouquet of sunflowers from Wendy Lohan & Jen (coworkers/friends)
*adorable and sweet card from "Blaura," David & Oscar
*ice cream party at work, complete with a very "Glamour Girl" b-day card
*email from Amanda aka Ray Wonder & W
*cupcake and sweet card from Kate (my current housemate)
*birthday story from Mommy (she tells it every year)
*calls from Aunt Lisa, Aunt Becky, Nanny (grandmother), Joseph (my brother), my Dad, Paul Batista, Christina, Melissa, Yuki, Vanessa, Chris
*and I saw Mickey Avalon on Friday with Shena
So amisdt what seemed like complete mayhem, I was still treated like a true queen (not a bitchy homo queen or a drag queen, but a queen with a crown and servants)! I actually believe that the day's trouble somehow managed to make everything stand out so much more. And that's good. Welcome 24 with new wisedom and a greater appreciation for the little things (they really do go far). I think yesterday's treats also helped me to realize how many good people I have in my life...and I must be honest, I often forget.
p.s. I have a dinner date tomorrow and I will be back in full regalia to report on that. I'm going out with le banker (you should know about him).
Sunday, April 01, 2007
tomorrow tomorrow, i'll love you tomorrow
I didn't blog once the entire month of march. Oh well.
Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!!!! Wish me lots and lots of love (and presents)...
Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!!!! Wish me lots and lots of love (and presents)...
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