I cannot believe I have gone this long without talking about that fateful night...the night when I saw Mickey Avalon in le flesh. God, save me.
Now I knew seeing Mickey would be great. I knew I loved Mickey. But I had no idea that his naked crack would make me so excited! Crass? Yes, but oh so true.
As Mickey paraded onto the stage at Mezzanine--which is one of the skaniest places in SF--he donned his signature skinny jeans & studded belt. Because it was a chilly evening in the city he was complete with a mesh tank top (blech), a leather jacket (very similar to the one I own), and a maroon beanie to cover his luxurious curly's. I was taken aback by his nasal voice, his cockiness and the way he moved his little body. Mickey is somewhat femmie, which i guess is to be expected considering he spent some time as a male prostitute. I'm usually not a girl who's into femmie guys, but this one sends me over the top.
As the show began he sashayed across the stage, strategically removing articles of clothing until he was down to his jeans and black Converse. This kid is appropriately
tattooed and doesn't wear any panties (my favorite). As he poured water on the top of his head and let it trickle down it was apparent that he was drunk (and blown out of his mind I'm sure. I had hoped to get much closer to the stage, but unfortunately the rude concert-goers were shoving, pushing, and the like--certainly not a safe place for a lady!
It goes without saying that I feel deeper in love with Mickey after seeing
him, and his butt, in the flesh. I still stand by my claim that he looks like an old Jewish lady, but there's something about his confidence and his crass behavior that makes him obnoxiously desirable. His eyeliner was thick and his sweat was dripping. Typically I'd say "ew" to a man who pulled this garbage, but he began singing So Rich, So Pretty...sigh and I knew I could never go back. Back to those days before Mickey Avalon. I'd totally hit that! 'ya just a boy Mickey, ya just a toy Mickey..
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