Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Ok it's no secret that I am an avid reading of some p.o.s blog called, dlisted. Puh-lease who am I kidding, dlisted is number one of my list! That said Michael K. is always so good about posting celeb happenings, more specifically their love lives. Whenever I read a post about a new couple I get grossed out and annoyed. Why do I continue to read that which makes me sick? Because a "source" always describes a new couple as "canoodling."

WTF? What is a "canoodle?" It makes me think of Annie's Bunny Pasta. The Chedder flavor. Yum. But really how many times have a read, "a source says the two were seen 'canoodling' at the club. They were holding hands, locking lips, and everything. They certainly weren't shy about whatever is going on between them." WHAT? Canoodle...chickencanoodle soup...canoodles with red sauce. I think I hate, no, I know I hate this word. If I'm not thinking of dish of carbs and simple sugar, I imagine two idiots in the back of some club rubbing noses. EW.

Do you have any thoughts on the "canoodle?" It's making me sick. I'm going to play a game for the remainder of the week and count how many times I see a gossip post which uses the forbidden word...gasp!

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