Thursday, March 02, 2006

ain't no sunshine

I'm a little distrubed today. The weather is fairly crappy (no sunshine), I'm still here (if you know me, you know where "here" is) and I've had a bit of a falling out with a friend. I sort of wish "W" would call so I could whine to him about it. But then again, he would probably go on talking about how fabo it is in L.A., how he had drinks at the Roosevelt or some other swank-hole, or some other shit that could send me flying...damn he makes me angry.

My tiff with my friend is wigging me the most. I don't see the problem with giving advice to friends. If they depend on you when they are down, want to share their good news with you, cry to you when things suck and ask questions like, "do you think I'm going to hell" with hopes of an honest answer, why is giving your opinion such a problem? I made the "mistake," if you will of giving a friend my take on a situation that I thought could, in the long run, be problematic for her. I think she wants friends who lie to her and tell her nice things so she smiles. But isn't real friendship about honesty and a true concern for the well-being of one another? My feelings are pretty hurt by this. Especially considering that she sent me a rather snarky email about how I should keep my opinions to myself. I guess it's going to be another one of those shitty days.

Oh yes and it's coming down hard on the workfront...I really need to get working on my cover letter.

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