Monday, May 21, 2007

travel legs (and arms and hips and toes)

I'm in Phoenix. I just wolfed down some greasy Mexican and I board my flight for SFO shortly. But imgaine the look on my face as I sat here, logged on to the lappy, checked email, proceeded to go to dlisted and a sign comes up saying: RESTRICTED AT THIS TIME--ADULT CONTENT. How funny is that? MK produces adult content. I should tell him.

I can't read the site, but that in itself is funny. Ok I board in about 5 minutes and the people are looking at me strangely because I'm laughing. Damn, if Dlisted does nothing, it keeps me cheerful.

I'm obsessed.

*Can't wait to tell you about the trip. Won't happen until tomorrow!
**Oh I had the most Manhattan lunch of them all today. I'm such a sassafrass (you will hear about this too)
***I don't know if I'll be a San Franciscian nome for much longer
****I'm giving to much info...I'll stop now

1 comment:

Andie East said...

not to like, date check or anything, but it is THursday and there is no report on the travel updates.