Monday, May 07, 2007

boring. don't read this post.

I'm finding it rather interesting that in my jobless state, I am the most busy I have ever been. I can imagine that all of you want to pull me by my pony and slap me in the mouth for saying this again. Yeah, I'm tired of typing it. But I'm really just trying to make a point here. I'm trying to create some lame excuse as to why I have been a bad blogger.

In college I used to send these emails to my professors saying how my paper would be two hours late and I'd sign it, "I'm so sorry, your very bad student, Candace." They loved it and to this day get a kick of it. They excused my bad behavior and that could be why I'm so naughty with my blog these days. ENOUGH. Let's talk updates people....

Guess who's back on? Yes, uh huh. Le Banker. So nice to feel that sense of security again. I missed him. I was a bitch (shut your mouth) and Amanda even told me what I did wrong. She was right. There was a reason why he wasn't talking and it had a lot to do with some hot mess that was getting in the way.

In other news, I'm off to New York next with my favorite hot couple of the day, Laura and David. Sadly, however Oscar aka Mr. Blackpants will not be joining. He doesn't like New York. He's more of an East Bay type guy. I owe you input from the Academy of Art Fashion Show. When Kim sends photos, I will talk. I have a great topic to touch on. So stay tuned.

1 comment:

Laura Whalin said...

Don't forget how much Oscar likes Paris...