Tuesday, February 06, 2007

dlisted quote of the day

Ok, so I know I owe my beloved (3) readers a real post, but I'm riding the "dlisted train" and good 'ol Michael K. made another comment that has me rolling on the floor with laughter. I live for this...

It's sick, but oh so funny. FYI: he's talking about Christian Aguilera and her fug hubby having "naked Sunday's" where they cook naked well, because it's Sunday.

"Cook naked? I’m all for romance, but I’m also all for not having pubes in my sketti. Unless they are both fans of the NADS, I’m not into that. Hell no. The only time I want to be pulling pubes out of my teefs is when I’m working the skin sausage if I ain’t being too subtle."

--Michael K.

hahaha...teefs, sketti, skin sausage...the utterings of a skilled linguist

1 comment:

Kim said...

that has to be one of the funniest things i've read all week...

i don't want my sketti smellin' like tootie.