i'm on a roll.
word of the day: STRUMPET
why: because i said so and i really like the way it sounds.
today is laura aka blaurablog's "burfday." she is just getting so much celebratory action these days. i attended her bachlorette on saturday, which is the real reason for my mention of her. it was so fun. she was scantily clad in a tutu, bunny ears, a garter , and a t-shirt with commands such as "give a beer bottle a blow job," "let a random guy do body shots off of you," "give away your garter," "eat a chocolate cock at the bar and ask the guy if he minds," "kiss a bartender," and "show your right nipple," to name a few. laura was a good sport about this. she was by far the best bride yet--i guess she was channeling those sorority days. david really is a lucky guy to have laura ...FOREVER and oscar is a lucky pup to have her too. we stumbled our way through the mission (beauty bar, skylark & double dutch) with penis straws, drunken smiles, and more booze in our belly than we knew what to do with (beside puke). laura's friend brooke and i donned "tramp stamps" indicating our single status. all and all it was good fun, but i don't think laura will be reliving her last time as a STRUMPET (use it in a sentence) on this, her lovely birthday. below are a few photos of the evenings debachery....(p.s. don't show my mom). Do you think we were STRUMPETS?

1 comment:
Thank you for helping to spread my night of lunacy over the internet. I had lots of fun with you!
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