Friday, September 29, 2006

grey's friday-pt. deux

Happy Friday, Friends!

So I had a fabulous dinner last night with Nicholas. He is totally the BEST DATE EVER. We always have such good conversation and I end dinner feeling accomplished. After dinner, however, I rushed home to catch Grey's. And here's what I have to say about it. I'm beginning with the end, because it was so powerful.

Go Addison!!! I loved her for so many things last night. She's such a great character. When I first began watching Grey's, I hated Addison. I thought she was pathetic and getting in the way of true love, but the truth is that Addison is a hot slut. She called her husband a slut--I love that. And she got herself set up in a swanky hotel with one hot piece of ass. Jebus, did you see him walk out of that steamy shower?!? My God...I'm excited for the unraveling of this story, it's totally bringing sexy back to Seattle. I'm glad she and McDreamy have realized that it's over. She's so much better off without him. He's one of those men who will just take take take. He doesn't give, instead he blames her for everything. Addison, keep effing that hot guy, he's a better lay--I know it!

Second item of business, Burke's "mama." I hate her. Yeah, yeah, so she's a clean cut, wealthy black lady, but she's also a bitch. Ralph says she's like my mom. Whatever. She needs to be nicer to Yang. I'm not into mother's "testing" their son's women. That's tired. About as tired as that black blazer that she wore throughout the episode. Upity black people can be so disenfranchising.

I'm over Izzie and her shit.

I'm over Meredith and her obnoxious monologues. I know that viewers like that, but she has too many wrinkles to be that choosy over who she wants as a man. People like her shouldn't have options. George's girlfriend on the other hand is so perfect. She's my favorite right now. I want him to love her, don't you? I think he does, but he's being a total guy about it.

Finally, let's talk about Alex. He and Addison get the hot slut award. That old lady wasn't hot enough if you ask me, but I still love that was, as Amanda would say, a "Booty Nomad." How great was his last line, "You're right, I shouldn't be getting physical with patients?" He's got a big one--I know it! hahaha

Tune in next week for more of my useless opinions on Grey's. I provided a link in case you want a respectable look at the show.

Click here for Seattle Grace

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