Thursday, June 15, 2006

eurf-quakes & oatmeal

At 5:24am I was gently rocked awake by a 4.7 earthquake. I get nervous at night and often feeling like I am falling in my sleep, however that wasn't the case today. After realizing what had just occurred, two thoughts clouded my brain--oatmeal and the fact that I had no desire to drive on the Bay Bridge today. I pondered other methods for getting to work which included: driving north and taking the Golden Gate (because only voluntary death happens there), then somehow managing to get east (which would entail my taking the Vallejo plank-of-a-bridge). Or I could go south and take the San Mateo bridge. I decided this was poposterous and there was no way to avoid taking a bridge.

I got back to those thoughts of oatmeal. I didn't have time for breakfast today because was more concerned with scrubbing last night's dishes. So, I arrived to work very hungry for flaxseed oatmeal. Still no avail--I think I should make this my dinner so in the event of another earthquake I'll have full stomach...not that that matters. Don't they always say oatmeal sticks to your stomach. Well that's just gross, although reassuring. Perhaps I was going through some psychological thing where I rationalized eating oatmeal during earthquakes help bridges to stay in tact. Just think if everyone on the bridge had a stomach full of oatmeal, the bridge would stay up because out of shock of being on the BB during a 7.5 would cause people to vomit their oatmeal and then the bridge would remain from all of the stick.

I'm hysterically laughing right now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Batina.

This is such a Candace thing to write.... These really, REALLY odd situations come into fruition in your head, like Sue Carlson, ankle juice, and a MASSIVE Code V.

By the way, while perusing this entry, I spit my Diet Coke on my papers and my two year old laptop, while nearly falling out of my chair.

Guy and Madonna live in the neighborhood of your people, Can. We're SO over the burglary! Ask them if they'll leave us alone if we tape a 20 to the front door every other week....