Thursday, March 23, 2006

happily ever after

After being surprised with a gardenia (my favorite flower) by one of my favorite co-workers I decided that this growing old alone thing could actually work. And here are 14 reasons why:

1. I have enough gay men in my life who treat me far better than any straight man ever could--they bring me flowers, invite me over for sassy dinners, they have boyfriends that give me CBS mugs and they love me unconditionally (even after a trip to small claims)
2. I don't have to plan my life around someone else's schedule or dreams
3. I can happily wear my long granny nighties without worrying if "he" (whoever he may be) still thinks I'm the hotness
4. I can spend more time with the men that matter (aside from the Gays)...Hunter S. Thompson, Truman Capote, Vladamir Nabokov and Samuel Coleridge.
5. I can take lavish trips and plan desert soirees with friends without having to invite the man, just because he is the man and he should be invited.
6. I can welcome compliments from anyone without feeling like it could lead to something else
7. My Friday nights are always "free of clutter" (meaning I don't automatically have plans or have to spend it with the man)
8. I like my alone time
9. Brunch is better with girlfriends
10. I don't have to buy Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's or Just because gifts for a man...I can buy them for myself
11. Baths are better with Ella Fitzgerald
12. Bean burritos & Margaritas taste better when you're single
13. Johnny Depp will continue to make movies
14. I can live happily ever after in my 3 bedroom (Dominoesque) home with my Chihuahua, Merkin...enjoying quiet mornings with just my coffee.

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